Facility Safety Rules and Driving Procedures

The current damage verification procedure is that our on-site LDS inspector places a form inside the vehicle for damage that he finds on rail before unloading; and if the truck driver finds additional damage, he can verify that himself with an app on his cell phone. That link is:

• Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.logisticaldataservices.upstart

• iOS - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lds-mobile-verification/id1469274215



The truck driver can also get the LDS inspector to personally verify the extra damage if the inspector is on-site and available. He works Monday through Friday, and leaves at 5:00 p.m.; and could be tied up inspecting vehicles on rail.

Anyone inside the facility past the transport truck ground barricades who is outside of a vehicle or building must be wearing the required personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes a fluorescent safety vest with reflective stripes (attached, not open—vest color must surround body), safety glasses worn over the eyes. Long pants must be worn---no shorts or pants above the ankles are allowed; and no sleeveless shirts or tank tops are allowed.

Anyone going into the track area must wear a hard hat in addition to that PPE.

Anyone entering the facility inside the street gate must sign in with the security guard at the entrance/ exit gate on the entrance gate log. The guard must note on the entrance gate log the time that the person arrives, and later the time that the person leaves the facility.

No smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is allowed inside the facility past the street gate except in the designated smoking areas outlined in orange paint, except for when the person is inside a private vehicle. No smoking is allowed in customer vehicles.

No use of cell phones, PDA’s or any other distraction is allowed while walking or driving a vehicle. This includes using cell phones with hands-free devices or earpieces, listening to radios or music, etc. It is all considered to be distracted walking and driving, and is not allowed. If you are allowed to carry a cell phone and need to answer it, you must stop walking or driving; and cannot start again until off of the phone.

No running is allowed in the facility except in cases of emergency.

The speed limit inside the facility is 15 mph.

No shuttling in customer vehicles is allowed in the facility---this means using a customer vehicle to transport the driver or additional persons to anywhere other than from the vehicle’s parking spot directly to the truck loading area. Customer vehicles can only be moved from their point of rest in the parking area directly through the entrance/ exit gate to the truck loading area.

No driver should be handling or be inside any customer vehicle except the one(s) he has listed on his pickup paperwork while inside the parking area. No security guard is to be handling or be inside any customer vehicle.

No one is allowed to be inside Autoport shuttle vans except for Autoport personnel.

No one is allowed to be inside the security building at the entrance/ exit gate, or in either of the security tower buildings except for Securitas employees, the Autoport Terminal Manager, and CN Railroad Management.

Please adhere to the following driving procedures while driving in this facility in order to prevent injuries and accidents:

1) Be aware of persons, vehicles, poles, etc. in the area where you are going to drive. Expect movement of vehicles, persons, security golf cart, etc. at any time.

2) Drive the proper direction. Traffic flow is one-way only, in the rows or lanes of parked vehicles. The direction of flow is toward the south (toward Samuel Bailey Drive). Two-way traffic flow is permitted only in the double-wide lanes that surround the sections of parking rows and lanes. Obey any traffic signs on-site, including stop bars and stop signs.

3) Always drive forward instead of reversing if possible. If you must reverse, physically walk around the vehicle first and see what is behind the vehicle. Sound the vehicle horn twice before reversing. During reversing, sound the vehicle horn intermittently like a reversing beeper until you stop to drive forward. Look over your right shoulder the entire time while reversing straight backward.

4) While driving forward through rows and lanes inside the facility, sound the vehicle horn intermittently. Sound the horn twice and slow down when approaching intersections, which is where the double-wide lanes are, and when approaching the front gate.

5) Do not attempt to move a vehicle without good visibility out of the windows. Use the defrost function to de-fog or de-ice windows before moving the vehicle.

6) No revving of engines, squealing of tires, leaving vehicles idling while unoccupied, leaning on vehicles, or other vehicle abuse is allowed.

No wiping or rubbing of vehicle surfaces is allowed; if a vehicle surface has been wiped or rubbed, any damage found in that area will be the responsibility of the person who wiped it